Archive for the ‘Criminal Law’ Category

What Constitutes Intent to Sell with a Drug Charge

There is a very big difference between a drug user and a drug dealer, and a very big difference between…

What’s the Difference Between Burglary and Robbery?

Nobody wants to be the victim of a crime of any kind, so learning the distinctions between burglary and robbery…

Most Common Tax Crime

You know the old saying … “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”…

Possible Penalties for Underage Drinking

Underage drinking is a fact of life. If you’re underaged yourself, you know this to be true, and if you’re…

Child Pornography Charges And Teen Sexting Between Peers

iPhones and smartphones are everywhere, and it is rare to find a teen who doesn’t own one. Though cell phones…

What Is The Difference Between Simple Assault And Aggravated Assault In Pennsylvania?

Assault is a common charge in the state of Pennsylvania, and there are enormous variations in the severity of the…

How to Lower Your Chances of a “No Bond.”

When you’ve been arrested and put in jail, one of the first steps in the criminal law process is the…

Why Crime Rates Rise in the Summer

Many people say that summer is their favorite time of year, and there are good reasons for that. Even if…

How Does Self-Defense Work in a Simple Assault Case?

In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, simple assault is a crime against a person involving knowingly, intentionally and recklessly causing somebody…