How to Stop Creditor Harassment

Bills. We all have them, and we all try to keep current with them, but that’s not always possible. Whether you’ve made a mistake and gotten in over your head on a spending spree or your ability to pay has been impacted by a job loss, a medical emergency or some other unexpected crisis, you’re well aware that you’re behind. You don’t need calls from creditors to remind you or threaten you about payments due, yet many persist to the point of creditor harassment. You certainly have an obligation to pay your bills and should work towards that end, but that doesn’t mean you need to put up with abuse. The good news is that you’re not without legal recourse.

You should always start by trying to reason with your creditor, not only from the perspective of meeting your obligation but also to get them to stop their poor behavior. Call them to discuss the difficulty you are having paying your bills and see whether you can work out a payment plan. Some will go so far as to reduce the amount that you owe in order to encourage you to send even a partial payment.

What most people don’t realize is that even If reaching out to your creditor doesn’t work and you begin to get calls from a collection agency, you can find peace through the simple act of writing and requesting that they stop calling or contacting you. Both collection agencies and attorneys have to adhere to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, which is a law that says that if you write a letter asking them to stop contacting you, they have to comply.

To make sure that your letter has the effect that you need it to, make sure you mention any wrongdoing associated with the calls you’ve been receiving, and keep a copy of your letter. After the letter has been sent, it is illegal for them to call you again unless it’s to acknowledge receipt of your letter and to tell you they are ceasing their efforts or suing you.

Keep in mind that these laws are only applicable to collection agencies and lawyers. Creditors are allowed to call for themselves. If the calls keep coming, your next step should be to speak to a creditor harassment attorney. Once they contact the offenders then all calls must go to them. An attorney will also be able to help you by discussing the possibility of filing for bankruptcy or creating a workable payment plan. For more information or to discuss your situation, contact us today to set up an appointment.